10 Essential Translation Skills and Abilities a Freelancer Must Have

10 Essential Translation Skills and Abilities a Freelancer Must Have

Suppose you want to become a freelance translator and start a great career in translation and have excellent Career Opportunities. In that case, there are some translation skills and abilities you must have or develop to become a professional. Many people consider freelancing an easy job, which allows one to work whenever he wants while becoming a freelancer is not easy. The stress of not getting enough assignments to make ends meet is tough to deal with.

What is a translator?

A translator is a person fluent in two languages and can translate from one language into another. However, professionally, a translator is someone who has a degree in translation. They offer their services with absolute proficiency and understand the technicalities of official translations.

Translation skills instruction

One of the most crucial practical translation skills you must possess as a translator is the ability to learn more about linguistics every day. If you are not interested in your work, you won’t be able to reach perfection. This is the basic instruction that you must never forget.

Must have translation skills and abilities for a freelancer

No matter what the internet and successful people say, going to school and college is vital for survival. Sure, a few got lucky and established empires without getting a higher education. But they are the exceptions, and you can’t rely on exceptions to give you the right advice. Along with knowledge, having research skills is also pretty important. You can get by even with some understanding when you have a helpful talent. Only with the power of skills can many people escape their ordinary lives and make a name for themselves globally.

No matter which industry it belongs to, every job cannot be appropriately handled without the necessary talent and general knowledge. Without it, you won’t get anywhere in life. The translation industry requires the same thing. Your translation skills have to be perfect if you want a make a name for yourself by doing accurate translations for people and have a successful Career.

Many people believe that being fluent in two languages is all you need to become a translator. This is far from the truth. To provide high-quality translation services, you need to have (and further develop) the following translation skills and abilities.

  • How would you describe your language skills?

    There are various ways to describe your language skills. If you say you are a native speaker of a language, then you know it very well. Beginners are those who only know the basics of a language. Intermediate skills are when someone has not become fluent in a language, but they have become familiar with it. Express that you are a Human Translator and do not use Machine Translation.

  • What are the different levels of language proficiency?

    Here are the different levels of language proficiency:

    • Beginner: when someone is only somewhat familiar with a language
    • Intermediate: it is the level where a person has learned a language to some extent
    • Fluent: once someone achieves fluency, they can be considered fluent
    • Advanced: it is the level at which a person has reached the height of language proficiency
  • What does command of language mean?

    Command of language means that someone has sufficient knowledge of a vocabulary. It is often used when someone has learned a foreign language efficiently and achieved fluency in it. The person with command of a language will be able to speak it without hesitation and will not make any mistakes.

  • How do you mention languages on a resume?

    You can mention your language skills on a resume in some ways, but here are the most commonly used levels:

    • Elementary is the same as the beginner level when someone has basic knowledge of a language
    • Limited Working: people at this level can speak a language with some hesitation
    • Professional, if you don’t have trouble speaking or reading a vocabulary, then you are at this level
    • Native: this level is only for the native speakers of a language
  • What are the essential to improve translation skills?

    There are multiple ways to improve your translation skills. The best way to go about it is to read as much as possible. It is also important to work on your vocabulary. Learning will help with your vocabulary, but you should also write down every new word that you learn to keep yourself from forgetting it.

  • What are the qualities of good translator?

    The qualities of a good translator are:

    • Be reasonable in both languages
    • Have the right education
    • Be available at least five days a week
    • Be flexible in any aspect
    • Understand the demands of a client
    • Keep to the agreed deadline
  • What do you need to become a freelance translator?

    To become a freelance translator, you should:

    • Get a degree in translation or language studies to get the basic skills
    • Become fluent in your second language
    • Learn about the cultural aspects of your second language
    • Practice as much as you can
    • Mention in your CV your experience with Computers and Word processing
    • Gain experience by volunteering for different organizations
    • Set up your profile on freelancing platforms and start offering your services
    • Learn the Computer Assisted Translation Tools called CAT Tools
  • How can a freelance translator succeed?

    A freelance translator can succeed by being consistent. They should also ensure they are at the top of their game by practicing regularly. Another way a freelance translator can succeed is by joining a well-known agency. This way, they won’t have to look for projects themselves and be able to earn a decent amount of money.

  • How do I market myself as a freelance translator?

    You can market yourself as a freelance translator in various ways. You can:

    • Post the link to your freelance profile on your social media
    • Share your portfolio in freelancing groups
    • Send proposals to big companies
    • Volunteer for different organizations to get free publicity
    • Deliver quality services to get word-of-mouth publicity
    • Make an overview of the Translated Documents with the Language Combination (your work experience and your finished translations)
    • Create an account in Upwork to reply to translation jobs
    Download for free a sample of a translator resume

    Click here

Download for free a sample of a translator resume

native language knowledge

1. Excellent command of your native language

To become a freelance translator, you must be an excellent writer with extensive knowledge of grammar and different writing styles and know the Source Language, of course. Remember that native speakers will read your translated text with a lot of experience, so if you can’t reach that level of knowledge, you might cause trouble for your clients. Translate is a language skill. Usually, translators only translate to their native language (called the target language), and we always follow this rule.

second language knowledge

2. Excellent command of your second language

Translating a text (called source text) is not replacing work in a language with its correspondence in another language, which is your target audience. That is what machine translation does, and the results are pretty bad. To be able to translate from a language, you have to be fluent in that language and be able to understand the text you are solving. If you are only almost fluent in your second language, you will only be able to translate from your second language to your native language.

cultural knowledge

3. Extensive cultural knowledge in both languages

A freelance translator must be very familiar with the cultural differences between countries. If you are only translating words and preserving the meaning of the text, you might not do a good service for your client. What if some of the text is inappropriate in the target culture? Here are some translation blunders that had disastrous outcomes for some companies due to not adapting the translation to the local culture.
avid learner

4. Avid learner and researcher

If you are starting up, you must do much research to provide quality. Terminology, words, and local concepts are only a few things you will need to be able to dig for and develop the ability to use those in your translations.

computer skills

5. Great computer skills

This is one of the must-have translation skills and abilities for a freelancer. You will have to know the ins and outs of your computer and how to use it efficiently. Fast typing skills and understanding of different tools will significantly benefit you.

subject area specialization

6. Specialize in one or more subject areas

Knowing much about a specific subject will allow you to provide a faster and better translation. Specializing in a few subject areas is a massive advantage for a freelance translator as he won’t have to spend much time researching specific terms. A deep understanding of the Subject Matter is critical.

self motivation

7. Self-motivation and organization

You must be self-motivated and perfectly organized to market and sell your services. Promoting yourself is not easy, and motivation and computer and internet skills play a vital role in marketing your translation skills and abilities to get more clients.

management skills

8. Management skills

You must have excellent time management skills to deliver your translations on time. Delays are never an option when it comes to translation as every client wants his work delivered in due time, no matter how busy you can be at that moment with other jobs. All communications are done in the English language. So extensive knowledge of this language is critical.

customer oriented

9. Customer service skills

A freelance translator should be customer-oriented, constantly communicating with its customers about their needs. It is not enough to speak until you get the job; you must be ready to answer all your client’s questions during and after the project.

accessible and affordable

10. Accessible and affordable

A translator must be affordable and easily accessible all the time. While some customers allow you time to respond, some clients want your full attention ASAP, and they do not return if they do not find you the first time.

Freelance Translators Training Video

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Free Video’s To Help You With Getting “The” Translation Skills

How would you describe your language skills?

There are various ways to describe your language skills. If you say you are a native speaker of a language, then you know it very well. Beginners are those who only know the basics of a language. Intermediate skills are when someone has not become fluent in a language, but they have become familiar with it. Express that you are a Human Translator and do not use Machine Translation. Here are the top 4 points to consider: 1. Language skill 2. Second language skills 3. Translation memory software 4. In-depth knowledge of terminology in both languages

timely delivery

What are the different levels of language proficiency?

Here are the different levels of language proficiency:

  • Beginner: when someone is only somewhat familiar with a language
  • Intermediate: it is the level where a person has learned a language to some extent
  • Fluent: once someone achieves fluency, they can be considered fluent
  • Advanced: it is the level at which a person has reached the height of language proficiency

What does the command of language mean?

Command of language means that someone has sufficient knowledge of a vocabulary. It is often used when someone has learned a foreign language efficiently and achieved fluency in it. The person with command of a language will be able to speak it without hesitation and will not make any mistakes.

How do you mention languages on a resume?

You can mention your language skills on a resume in several ways, but here are the most commonly used levels:

  • Elementary is the same as the beginner level when someone has basic knowledge of a language
  • Limited Working: people at this level can speak a language with some hesitation
  • Professional, if you don’t have trouble speaking or reading a vocabulary, then you are at this level
  • Native: this level is only for the native speakers of a language
keep to your promises

How can I improve my translation skills?

There are multiple ways to improve your translation skills. The best way to go about it is to read as much as possible. It is also essential to work on your vocabulary. Learning will help with your tongue, but you should also write down every new word you learn to keep yourself from forgetting it.

What do you need to become a freelance translator?

To become a freelance translator, you should:

  • Get a degree in translation or language studies to get the basic skills
  • Become fluent in your second language
  • Learn about the cultural aspects of your second language
  • Practice as much as you can
  • Mention in your CV your experience with Computers and Word processing
  • Gain experience by volunteering for different organizations
  • Set up your profile on freelancing platforms and start offering your services
  • Learn the Computer Assisted Translation Tools called CAT Tools

How can a freelance translator succeed?

A freelance translator can succeed by being consistent. They should also ensure they are at the top of their game by practicing regularly. Another way a freelance translator can achieve this is by joining a well-known agency. This way, they won’t have to look for projects themselves and be able to earn a decent amount of money.

How do I market myself as a freelance translator?

There are various ways you can market yourself as a freelance translator. You can:

  • Post the link to your freelance profile on your social media
  • Share your portfolio in freelancing groups.
  • Send proposals to big companies.
  • Volunteer for different organizations to get free publicity
  • Deliver quality services to get word-of-mouth publicity
skills translator

Timely delivery is essential.

Regarding freelancing, the most convenient part of the business is doing things according to your schedule. But there is no backing out as soon as you are given a deadline or time frame to deliver something. For a freelance translator, having translation on time is a professional obligation and a matter of sustaining and building an impeccable reputation.

Although the following are not translation skills and abilities, it is important to mention them. Freelance translators may have the upper hand as any contract with a given company does not bind them, but to stay in business and to get more work, timely delivery plays a crucial role. Today is the world of reviews; people search for inspections before buying products, services, and almost everything. And if you are a freelance translator, chances are your work will be under consideration only after your potential clients have seen your reviews. If a translation is not delivered on time, particularly when the client has an emergency, they are most likely to leave a bad review.

Keep to your promises.

Some agencies that claim to provide translations at discounted prices often don’t pay the freelance translators well. The reason they don’t deliver on time. This is why ensuring timely delivery is even more critical, which is a must-mention when it comes to translation skills and abilities. If you are a freelancer and have already worked with a client, a great way to get that client back for more is to offer a discount on their next order. Whatever promises you make regarding deals or quality, keep to them no matter what.

The translation industry constitutes a rather tricky business as it has no room for inaccuracy, low quality, and, most importantly, delivery delays. Most of the time, clients require urgent translations in inevitable situations, and in those cases, a minor delay in translation could cost them big time. It is, therefore, important to act professionally and always deliver according to expectations.

skill translation service
skill translation

Be Friendly

Did you know that the client is always right? Even when they are not? Well, that’s not just a saying. Working with clients from different countries may seem challenging, but dealing with their mindsets is the real dilemma. Indeed, you cannot satisfy everyone, but you must help your customers at any cost.

This is why you must never lose your calm if a client is difficult and wants changes in the document. Be friendly with them, as this goes out as an indication of your commitment to delivering the best. They’ll only work with you when they recognize that you have their best interest at heart. So if such an issue arises, you’ll first have to stay polite and ask what kind of changes they need and how soon they require them. If there’s a misunderstanding, you must point out it in an amicable manner.

Skills Translator Become a Successful Translator.

You will know how essential skills are if you have prepared your resume. Most jobs include a few talents in their requirements that have nothing to do with education. So, if you don’t know how to operate Microsoft Office, you must say goodbye to your chance of joining a company for an office job. This is why many people do diplomas and courses while studying so that when they graduate from college, they will have a chance to fill their CV nicely. A few fields in the world will only be mastered if you are born with the talent for them. But in some, if you are interested in the subject, you can become good at it. Note that language is one of a translator’s most critical skills.
best translation skill

Translation Practice

Translation falls in the latter category. The skills a translator should have can be developed and polished via practice. Reading different languages can also help improve your abilities as a successful translator and help you become an expert in your field.

Would you willingly go to a service provider for help if you knew beforehand that they are not good at their job? No, right? Because no one would. But there are a few fields where you can’t be sure unless you try for yourself and see if a company deserves your money. It is a fact that people in every profession must have specific skills to succeed in their field. If they are not hardworking, they won’t be able to achieve expertise. Consequently, they won’t be able to make a name for themselves in their industry.

In the language industry, the skills of a translator are essential in solving a linguistic issue to become a successful translator in their translation profession. This is why translators have to give a test before a company can accept them. If they are qualified and experienced, they can provide their clients with linguistic assistance of the highest quality.

Some people are born with a talent and have a better understanding of the language. They get better at this with each passing year. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn something if you are not naturally good at it. Most professionals in the world discover their profession through hard work. Surgeons aren’t born with the talent to make precise surgical cuts. They learn everything in school and then practice extensively to improve their skills.

The world of languages is no different. It is an acquired talent that you can improve daily if you keep practicing. Developing translating skills is not something that will happen overnight. But if you are patient and willing to work hard, you will get to the level of experts in record time. Once you become a professional, you should not stop practicing, as it is the only way to become an expert. Your skills will get better than everyone else if you don’t give up on practice and learning.

Everyone has wished that they have postponed for the future. Some of us want to learn an instrument once our life gets less busy. Some have always wanted to study Latin to be able to understand ancient texts. Then there are skills that you must learn to excel at your job, like how to work with Microsoft Office if you’re going to do an office job. But one good thing about skills is that you can learn them at any point in your life and work to improve them. You can get them polished with constant practice.

Become a Specialist in Translation

Anyone working in the language industry has translation skills. However, only the experienced ones have improved their linguistic abilities. They are the ones who are qualified to provide quality assistance whenever someone requires help with a linguistic problem. Don’t let anyone tell you that you will survive in the translation world without particular skills.

People generally think that anyone who doesn’t pick a scientific field of study will be stuck making drawings and illustrations. But they don’t know that there are too many options outside the world of science. The possibilities are endless for someone not wanting to pursue a medical degree. And most of these options are pretty interesting, like creative writing, filmmaking, and linguistics. Anyone who wants to understand the world’s linguistic diversity can study the differences and see how unique our tongues are. It is the beauty of these languages that attracts many to the field.

Translating said languages is also a handy field of study. But no one can succeed in it without developing some translational skills. Without working to obtain and polish these skills, they won’t be able to do much for those who require help with a language problem. These skills can make a person the most respected professional in the translation industry.

“Don’t forget to invest time and practice knowing the Translation Memory Software around.” See our free learning translation memory videos. Translation agencies will pay a higher rate.

There are a few things no one prepares you for when you are a child. One of them is picking a career and then living with your choice. Sure, your parents may advise you on the issue, but it will ultimately be your decision, and you will have to make the most of it. People think kids are giving up on books and language studies, but that isn’t entirely true. Many individuals are studying languages and entering the linguistic field to help people connect.

These people not only get their degree in linguistics to understand their field in a better way but also practice regularly to polish their translation skills. It is only because of the effort of these professionals that you can get qualified work in the translation industry today. If it weren’t for their hard work, many of the world would fail to overcome the language barrier, and peace would not have prevailed on earth due to conflicts between nations.

Human Translator vs. Google Translate

There are many misconceptions in people’s minds regarding a few fields. They believe that if Google Translate can help them understand a foreign language word, it may be challenging to get linguistic assistance. They don’t know that the study of languages is a separate field with its own rules. A person must obtain a degree and practice extensively if they want to be able to handle documents written in foreign vernaculars. They cannot work in the field until they are fully trained and understand all the translation rules.

The most important aspect that people ignore is the translator’s skills. It is these skills that help these experts perform their job accurately. If they don’t regularly work on polishing their skills, they won’t be able to deliver quality work to their clients. This is why the linguistic services provider hires only the most qualified professionals. An inexperienced person cannot provide good results when translating a document.

Your first Translation Job

As a new freelance translator in the market, you must have the above translation skills and abilities to make it. While there are other skills a professional translator

must have, these are the requirements. When you start to work with a translation agency and get your first job, the first thing you need to sign is a Confidentiality Agreement. This is a standard process. Every agency pays a different rate based on the word count of a document (the original text of a record for translation). Translation agencies will not give a price based on the translated content as the is something unpredictable. You will get the offer on the translation deadline. This is the deadline to provide the translated document to the agency.

Do you know any other skills? Share your opinion in the comments! If you’d like to work with us, please see how to become a professional translator page or get in touch by live chat.

Do you know any other skills? Share your opinion in the comments! If you’d like to work with us, please see how to become a professional translator page or get in touch by live chat.

Check out more resources for translators below:

If we can help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us