Machine Translation
Over the past few years, the translation has posted exponential growth. Through globalization and the growing immigration demand, the translation business has never seen demand like this in the past. The internet is one of the best driving factors that helped skyrocket the demand for the industry.
Read more →There was a time when we had to do everything by hand, but then the machines came around and made our lives easier. There are many people in this world who still prefer the old world and rely on their hands to get the work done. The agriculture industry in developing countries is still run by farmers who don’t like machinery’s interference in their work. But for the most part, the advancement in technology has helped humans get rid of some of their burden. In the past, bookkeeping was done on paper. Keeping the records straight required a great deal of expertise and only those who had years of experience with it managed to handle it efficiently.
Read more →If you were born in the 80’s or the 90’s, you’d very well remember that every subject was limited to theoretical practices, commonly known as books. Even the researchers head to the libraries for taking notes. There were surely other ways such as study tours, special classes, activities and group assignments but there was never even the hint of using technology in the sphere of the education. The only perspective common people had in their minds about technology was that it could make appliances better. Cool new gadgets could be called in-fashion and people would consider them as a technological innovation but that was it.
Read more →YouTube is the world's second-most popular website. Since its launch in 2005, it has become a permanent part of every internet user's life. From educational videos to songs, vlogs to reviews, political commentaries to parodies, the content available on YouTube covers every aspect of life. There are many videos with over millions of likes on YouTube which speak of its popularity. A lot of us turn to it for movie trailers, latest song videos, and TV show teasers. It has also become a marketing tool for media companies as they can upload little clips of their movies on YouTube and keep the audience interested.
Read more →We’ve decided to create another survey for our translators and asked them if they are using machine translation tools and how human translation is affected by the introduction of such tools. Check our the survey to see what our human translators think about this.
Read more →The translation industry is booming these days with lots of companies and individuals looking to get foreign language translation, but free translation services online are also highly searched. Here is how to get free translation services and from where.
Read more →Machines are more and more replacing human workers due to the industrial revolution. Machines are generally stronger, faster and more efficient than humans. A lot of people are thus living under the fear that their jobs might one day be replaced with machines. What happens when it comes to translating languages? Machine vs human translation, which is better and what is the future of translation? Let's find out.
Read more →More and more we hear translation companies decide to start using Google Translate in their mix in order to cut down costs and speed up delivery time. Rumors also indicate that some big companies in the technical field, as well as governmental agencies are using machines in order to translate some of their documents in other languages. Just out of curiosity, we were wondering what our translators think about this so we decided to send out a survey to all of them.
Read more →It's in the client's nature to be picky when it comes to getting a service and when they're not happy with the output (or just have a really bad day), they may imply that the translator used machine translation for their job, although it is well known the fact that a real professional would not use a tool like Google Translate in order to speed up his work.
Read more →Machine translations have become very popular over the past few years. It is of course the cheapest way to translate anything simply because most of the machine translators are free to use. However, do they always offer the best?
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