Catholic Latin Phrases and Their Meanings

Catholic Latin Phrases and Their Meanings

Latin Language

The Latin language is an Indo-European language. Did you know that many Catholic prayers are said in Latin? It’s true! Here are the Catholic Latin phrases and their meanings in English to learn more about the Latin terms used during catholic mass and church services or even in some Educational institutions.

The History of the Latin Language

Numerous myths have been perpetuated throughout human history due to widespread beliefs that help define a people’s identity and culture. The Romans’ colony is where the Latin alphabet and numerous rites have their roots, but many other positive aspects of that era have endured to the present day.

The Fibula Praenestina, a text from the seventh century BC, was uncovered in Rome as the first written Latin source. Of course, we cannot simply sum up hundreds of years of Latin.

  • Archaic Latin (700-100 BC): The basic Latin
  • Classical Latin (100 BC-14 AD): The golden age of Latin under Emperor Augustus
  • Silver Latinity (14-130): Imperial Latin, expansion of the Roman Empire
  • Late Latin (2nd-8th centuries)
  • Medieval Latin
  • Humanistic Latin (15th & 16th centuries)
  • Neo-Latin

Rome and Latin

The elite and ordinary folk in Rome spoke classical Latin, which served as the official language of the Catholic Church, the legal system, and the educational system. The colonized and the general public spoke vulgar Latin, which coexisted with the “barbaric” dialects that were the norm before the Roman occupation.

Latin linguistic influences on the Germanic and Slavic languages were further guaranteed by the Roman Empire’s territorial expansion (from the Middle East to North Africa, Spain to the Balkans). Modern Romance languages emerged due to the spread of Latin and its mingling with other languages.

Rome Empire

Latin evolved and became the standard literary language throughout the lengthy rule of the Roman Empire over Europe. Numerous original Latin works by well-known authors still exist today, including works by Seneca, Cicero, Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Erasmus, and even Newton.

Interestingly, numerous regional dialects before Romance languages like French or Spanish were unified. Latin remained the primary international language for decades after the fall of the Roman Empire because only speakers of Latin could comprehend one another.

latin catholic

Some Common Catholic Latin Phrases

Ora et Labora

According to St. Benedict’s famous saying, this Latin term means, Pray and work. It emphasizes that prayer should be united with activity; when we combine our efforts, they are multiplied. Most often, ora et labora is said about monasticism; prayer (oratio) helps one perfect their work (labor).

Crux Ave

O crux ave, spes unica; quae salus et vita hominum! Salve, crux ave, mater misericordiae! (Hail O Cross of Mercy / Salvation of man, that art/art thou who are our only hope!) This is an exclamation done at Benediction during Holy Week.

Pax Vobiscum

Pax vobiscum is a Catholic Latin phrase meaning peace (be) with you. It is used as a greeting or farewell in formal circumstances.

Ego Te absolvo

I absolve you. This is a declaration made by a priest during a Sacrament of Penance (Confession). In that Sacrament, a Catholic seeks God’s forgiveness for sins committed after baptism. The Priest then pronounces absolution, generally understood as forgiveness of sins. This term has a different range of meanings. When used in an exorcism rite, it is usually understood to mean that demons are cast out from the possession of a human host.

meaning latin catholic phrases

Sursum Corda

When a priest says Sursum corda, he asks his congregation to lift their hearts in prayer. The literal translation is Lift your hearts or Lift your souls. So, its Latin translation is ‘call to worship.’

Gloria Patri

This phrase, which means Glory to the Father, is a line Roman Catholics sang in honor of God. It appears in English and Latin versions of all four official prayers of Christian worship (The Our Father, The Apostles’ Creed, The Hail Mary, and The Glory Be). Before Vatican II (1962-1965), it was common for Catholics to say or sing Gloria Patri after each Mass.

Parce Domine

Parce Domine (Latin for spare, O Lord) is in many English hymns. Originally written by Thomas Aquinas as a plea to God to stop attacking a city, it has become an expression of repentance. The phrase is also part of Masses on Good Friday. Parce Domine is a technical term in Catholic theology referring to Christ sparing his mother from death on Good Friday. This event is referred to as Parturition.

Non nobis Domine non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam

Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to your name give glory. Psalm 115 of the Vulgate version, a translation of the Hebrew original, contains this phrase. English renders it as “Not to us, not to us only, but to thy name be the glory.” Deacons sing this phrase as part of a hymn during Advent mass.

Traditional Catholic Latin Phrases

is a Latin phrase meaning “Lamb of God,” a chant addressed to Christ. Agnus Dei

The Latin phrase English translation is “with praise” or “with honor,” representing an academic level of achievement. Cum laude is one of three commonly used Latin honors designations recognized in the United States. ‘Cum Laude’

Magna cum laude is one level above. Meaning “with great praise” in the Latin language, magna cum laude differs from summa cum laude, which in turn means “highest praise” or “highest honor,” representing the highest level of academic distinction. These designations may be awarded on factors such as GPA, class ranking, or outside academic achievements.

means “Thus always to tyrants.” It is said that this was the line Brutus uttered after assassinating Julius Caesar. Sic Semper

means ”(signed) with one’s hand.” Manu propria

Latin legal terms:

List of Legal terms

lex script meaning ”written law.”

Latin Dictionaries

To effectively translate Latin, the internet can prove invaluable. An excellent resource for words and definitions is William Whitaker’s Words, as well as the online Latin Dictionary. When relying on these websites, one should exercise caution when accepting the translations to ensure the given meaning is sensible with the intended translation. The Dizionario di Abbreviature Latine ed Italiane features an exhaustive list of Latin abbreviations, albeit with Italian translations. Additionally, Ainsworth’s Latin Dictionary Revised Edition is a recommended book accessible through various libraries and the FamilySearch Digital Library. More about Latin Translation can be found in our Latin Translation Services.

Mala in se means” bad/evil in itself.”

Latin sayings about love

Religious occasions, in particular, are ideal for writing Latin sayings on the card. Latin was also the language of the Bible for a long time. Especially in the Middle Ages and beyond, sermons were held in Latin. Even today, some hymns are sung in Latin.

  1. Tempus fugit, amor manet.
    (Time flies, love endures.)
  2. Amor est precious auro.
    (Love is more precious than gold.)
  3. Caritas omnia potest.
    (Love can do anything.)
  4. Ama et fac quod vis. – Augustine
    (Love and do what you will.)
  5. Si deus pro nobis, quis contra nos?
    (If God is for us, who can be against us?)
meanings latin phrases

Latin proverbs and sayings

You will find many well-known and unknown Latin proverbs and sayings in the following. Some are quotes from famous personalities, and others you will know from German translations. Here, you can learn more about the meaning of words you already know or learn new ones. Expand your vocabulary or make a good impression in your following term paper. We’ve organized the proverbs and idioms alphabetically to make finding what you’re looking for easier.

  1. Abyssus abyssum invocate.
    Translation: One mistake leads to another.
  2. Ad absurdum
    Translation: to prove something nonsensical.
  3. Alea iacta est.
    Translation: The die is cast. (quote from Caesar)
  4. Aliquid stat pro aliquo
    Translation: something stands for something
  5. Amantes amentes.
    Translation: Lovers are out of their minds. (quote from Terence)
  6. Amor est precious auro.
    Translation: Love is more precious than gold.
  7. Barba is a decent virus.
    Translation: The beard makes the man.
  8. Bene docet, qui bene distinguished.
    Translation: Good teachers who explain the differences clearly.
  9. Caption benevolent
    Translation: hunting for goodwill (similar to “fishing for compliments”)
  10. Carpe Diem.
    Translation: Seize the day. (quote from Horace)

Ancient Latin and A Tapestry of Devotion

In the sacred realm of Catholicism, the resonance of Latin phrases transcends time, forging a deep connection to age-old traditions and devout spirituality. From the familiar echoes of “Ave Maria” and “Sancta Maria, Mater Dei” to the solemn invocation of “debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris,” these ancient words form a tapestry of faith.

The rhythmic flow of phrases like “sed libera nos” and “Benedicta tu” becomes a meditative chant, summoning the divine presence of the Virgin Mary. Timeless petitions such as “Adveniat regnum tuum” and “sanctificetur nomen tuum” resonate through generations, aspiring for God’s kingdom and the sanctification of His name. The plea for forgiveness is captured in the poignant words, “dimitte nobis debita nostra,” while the promise of eternal life unfolds in the expression “vitam aeternam.” Latin phrases like “Pontio Pilato” and “remissionem peccatorum” delve into biblical narratives, embodying the profound spiritual journey of believers. The profound connection with the Almighty is encapsulated in the phrase “Deum Patrem,” urging the faithful to seek guidance amid the trials of earthly exile.

Believers, through prayers like “nobis post hoc exsilium ostende,” echo unwavering devotion, especially towards the merciful aspects of sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam and the sanctity of communion with the saints. In the sacred chorus of devotion, Latin phrases become a lifeline to the divine, transcending linguistic barriers and encapsulating the essence of prayer. These ancient expressions, including “Domine Iesu” and “Angelus Domini,” serve as spiritual guideposts, resonating with the faithful through prayer cards, basic prayers, and even legal phrases. The Greek phrases “Ecce ancilla Domini” and the resolute “Advocata nostra, Dominum nostrum” further enrich the spiritual lexicon. In this venerable language, the faithful discover solace, expressing their devotion with utmost reverence and humility.

catholic latin phrases

Linguistic Exploration of Mottos and Phrases

In a legal context, the exploration of phrases and mottos often requires a deep understanding of their original context and English translations. Scholars like Thomas J. Sienkewicz delve into the intricacies of linguistic and historical nuances. The “Motto of the State” holds particular significance, and dissecting the “Motto of the State of” involves considering its roots and implications. Drawing inspiration from various sources, including William Shakespeare’s works, scholars and publishers like Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers contribute to unraveling the layers of meaning embedded in legal expressions. Whether discussing coal mines, divine revelation, or the scholarly caution of “Nota bene,” a thorough examination of the legal lexicon requires an appreciation for the historical, literary, and cultural contexts in which these expressions originated.

The exploration of mottos, such as “Motto of the State” and “Motto of the State of,” often unveils intriguing linguistic nuances. Expressions like “quam asparagi,” although seemingly cryptic, become subjects of curiosity, inviting scholars to unravel their meaning. In this quest, it’s essential to avoid falling into the trap of logical fallacies and approach the investigation with a critical mindset. Latin phrases like “magnum opus” add an enriching layer to the exploration, representing a significant and masterful work. Scholars, including those studying the works of Benedict XVI, contribute to the understanding and interpretation of these linguistic puzzles, turning the exploration of mottos into a fascinating journey of language, history, and culture.

Prayers and Devotions to Mary

Sancta Maria, also known as the Virgin Mary, holds a revered place in Christian faith and devotion. Prayers such as ‘Sicut erat’ and ‘dimitte nobis debita nostra’ are recited in her honor, acknowledging her role as the Mother of God. Throughout history, the veneration of Mary has been central to various religious traditions, symbolizing purity, grace, and maternal compassion. Scholars like Thomas J. Sienkewicz have delved into the significance of Mary in religious literature and iconography, shedding light on her enduring influence. The belief in her role in the resurrection of the flesh, as symbolized by ‘carnis resurrectionem,’ underscores her importance in Christian theology and spirituality.

We seek the saints’ intercession, embrace discernment, and pursue peace and understanding in life’s complexities, as highlighted by Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers.

As it was in the beginning, Holy Mary, Mother of God, guides us with the light of the Lord at our feet. Thomas J. Sienkewicz, with a heart of compassion, invokes the communion of saints, especially those most in need of mercy. The heart of Jesus, blessed be He, leads us to the Holy Trinity, where we seek refuge. “But deliver us,” we pray, from the trials and tribulations of the world.

In the quiet of the chapel, voices rise in supplication, echoing the ancient plea, “miserere nobis,” invoking divine mercy. Holy Mary, a beacon of grace, stands amidst the fervent prayers for eternal life. Gabriel G., messenger of hope, intercedes with celestial whispers. Like Pontius Pilate, humanity wrestles with decisions of conscience, seeking solace in the promise of daily bread and the gratitude expressed with “Deo gratias.” In this sacred space, hearts lift praises to the Almighty, “Deo optimo maximo,” acknowledging His boundless goodness and greatness.

latin catholic explained

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Frequently Asked Questions

Veni, vidi, vici, one of the most well-known and frequently used Latin phrases, has conveyed victory hundreds of times over the centuries. Reports suggest that Caesar uttered these remarks while celebrating a victory.

Omnia means prepared in all things or ready for anything. 

The adage is borrowed from one of the Roman poets, Horace’s Odes, a lovely lyric about the poetic transience of life, which was penned in 23 BCE. The brother of carpe diem, carpe noctem, which means “seize the night,” is a darker interpretation.

European rulers replaced Latin with national languages to assert independence from the Roman Empire, fostering national identity among their people.

Read about our blog: Is Latin a dead language?

Latin’s influence persists in Romance languages due to the Roman Empire’s expansion, linking modern languages to ancient Latin traditions.