Facts About World Languages And Cultures

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There is no aspect of our social life that exists on its own. Everything is connected either directly or indirectly. This is why one factor of our social life ends up influencing all the other factors. There are no individual concepts in society. One can argue that even human characteristics develop because of the influence of the environment, but we do have some individuality that can be seen in our personality. Society, on the other hand, is like a big organism where a change in a part affects the whole. There are a few defining factors about society, and they are the most powerful aspects of our social lives. Culture is one such factor that guides people about how to live their lives in a society.

Culture and World Language:

There is no aspect of our social life that exists independently of culture. Everything is influenced by the customs and values of society. However, there are different elements that show a glimpse of cultures to outsiders. In some societies, religion plays an important part in the social lives of people. In such communities, religion also defines the customs and values of people. Apart from religion, world language is the biggest element of a culture.

Language and culture develop differently in different regions. In some cases, they develop simultaneously and influence each other during this journey. In other instances, one of them develops fully and then gives birth to the other. Some philosophers suggest that these two also play an important role in the cognitive development of humans. Since culture and world language are some of the first things a child learns, it makes sense for the cognitive abilities to be influenced by the two. But as for the relationship between these two, it is evident that they continue to influence each other throughout the life of society.

facts and world languages

Facts About World Languages and Culture:

In order to fully understand how unique and complex languages and cultures can be, people need to study more about them. Learning the ways in which they evolve and change throughout time is quite fascinating. Here are some interesting facts about these elements of our social lives:

languages of the world
  1. Dying Languages:

There are many popular vernaculars in the world today. More than 20% of the earth’s population speaks English. But did you know that there are also languages that are slowly dying? There are plenty of them that have only one speaker left in the world. Linguists take steps to preserve such vernaculars for various reasons. One of the biggest reasons is to preserve the culture of those speakers. Although it can be recorded in other ways too, the best method to record a culture is through the language of its speakers.

  1. Varieties:

Languages like English and Spanish that are spoken in various different countries have plenty of versions. Although the versions are not completely different from each other, they do have some unique words and features. The reason behind the development of such unique features is the culture of the speakers. The lives of Americans are completely different from those of Australians, and that’s why they have unique slang words and phrases.

  1. Learning:

Learning a new vernacular is like giving your brain a boost of power. Not only does it increase your intelligence, but it also protects you from brain-related diseases. This proves that broadening your mind and learning the vernaculars of other people can help humans. In the same way, learning about a foreign culture is also quite useful.

  1. Tribes:

The number of languages spoken in a country is directly proportional to the number of tribes and groups that live there. Eight hundred forty vernaculars are spoken in Papa New Guinea, and the reason behind that is pretty simple. The topography of the country has created divisions between people. As a result, different tribes and groups live in isolated communities and have developed their own tongues over time.

  1. Lifetime Connection:

People don’t ever forget their first language. They could spend their whole lives in a foreign country and still remember the vernacular they learned in their homeland as a child. In the same way, people also continue to practice their culture even if they move to a completely different country. These factors become a permanent part of people’s lives that cannot be separated from them ever.

  1. Bilinguals:

Almost 90% of Europeans can speak multiple tongues. Their cultures and languages often come into contact, which is why they have familiarized themselves with multiple tongues, so they don’t have any problem interacting with each other. This is one of the reasons why Europe is often considered a big community divided by borders. Although there are different customs and values in all the countries of the continent, there is still some type of familiarity between them.

  1. Age Limit:

All the social behaviors can only be taught through speech but rarely by imitation. This is why if a child is not taught any vernacular by their teens, they won’t be able to become fluent in one their whole life. The only reason children become familiar with their culture and vernaculars so easily is that they are taught from an early age about the values they must follow and the words they must speak.

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If you have ever needed the translation of a text, then you know how important cultural context is. This is why native translators are so good at their jobs, not only do they know a vernacular so well, but also understand the cultural context completely.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is language important to culture?

    Culture includes customs, values, stories, and everything that we can use to pass it on to the next generation. But without language, it would be impossible to pass cultural values to the next generations. Language not only makes it possible for people to pass on their culture but also helps them express their values the way they want.

  • Does language affect culture?

    Language and culture both affect each other. Since language is the way in which we express our culture, any change in it will also affect our customs and values. Culture also affects language because, without it, we wouldn’t be able to make new words and stories for our younger generations.

  • What is language culture?

    Language culture is how a vernacular affects the lifestyle of people. Language is not just a tool to express culture, it is also a part of our every day customs and traditions. Without language, we won’t have any culture. The way we let a vernacular change our everyday lives is what makes up the language culture.

  • Which is the oldest language in the world?

    There are many languages that we don’t have any record of, which is why it is impossible to know which was the first one. However, there are some languages that have been around for thousands of years. Tamil is the oldest language in the world, which is still in use. Chinese is another old language that is still very popular in the world.