How to Promote Affiliate Links and Get More Clicks?

how to promote affiliate links
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The heart of affiliate marketing is your affiliate link and providing that link to potentially interested people will get you clicks and sales. It is easy to get your link from our translation affiliate program, but what’s next? How to promote affiliate links and get more visits?

How to promote affiliate links

Universal Translation Services helps you by providing some useful options to promote your affiliate link and get more clicks.

The most important way

While there are free options out-there, they are limited by their owners. Some sites for instance do not allow you to use affiliate links. The best way to promote affiliate links is your own website. A website owned by you can be done in whatever way you like it and you can have your own written content in one place, which will in translate into increasing SEO value and ranking up in Google search results. It’s also the support from which you can work with other links, social media, ads, and other traffic sources.

Without a website – while you can still make money online – you lack the above advantages, so you need to work harder to promote your affiliate link in more places.

Leaving Comments

How to promote affiliate links other than having them added to your website? This first option is all about communities. It’s simple and tricky. What we are talking about is leaving comments on blogs, forums, and in social media groups. This provides you with a lot of possible communities, but you’re restricted by the amount of time you’re willing to invest in them.


HubPages is a website where you can sign up to be a writer and create high-quality content with the narrow focus centered on your primary niche. Add an affiliate link where appropriate. Act as an influencer by responding to comments when you get them.

other ways to promote affiliate programs
your own website


It is a great idea to write your own e-books. The advertisement here comes in two forms. First, the e-books themselves need to contain links to your affiliate products. Usually, you can include five or six different kinds of links to various products along the way. Just remember that you can’t over-do it; your e-books require being high quality and need to have value in them, they can’t just be thin feed for links.

The other form of promotion is pushing the e-book itself. You can run your e-book link through other ideas on this list but will have to focus mainly on social media and paid ads for this method.

Video Sites

Videos are a great way to do the similar thing you do with books, on a separate platform and with a different style of content. Now, there are two significant differences. The first is the length of the content. Content on YouTube needs to be much shorter in overall than an eBook. You need to stay under 5 minutes for a video. You can go longer, of course, but you need a selling point for anyone to follow a lengthy video.

The affiliate offer comes in the description and, if you can, an annotation link at the end of your video.

Social media

Social media is a powerful way to have your content presented to the world. While there are various platforms and you need to know how to promote affiliate links on each of them, you’ll be able to quickly figure out how to do it. Our post on how to use the power of social media as an affiliate will help you further.

Paid Advertising (Ads)

Paid advertising is a difficult option but has the potential to be very productive for you, but it can also fail. All of the other alternatives in this article take time to set up but are more or less free except you’re paying to create videos, write content, or speed up the setup times. With paid ads, you’re expected to pay for the publicity you get, and you might not make that money back.

With the help of these methods, it’s possible to promote affiliate links, get more clicks, and make money, even decent money.

If you were wondering how to promote affiliate links to get more clicks and eventually sales, the above ways should help you get started. If you need help with using our affiliate program, get in touch!

If we can help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us