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happening in Translation World

Translation blog - US based translation company news

If you are interested in finding out more about the translation industry or about how to get a translation, how to ask for a quote and how to differentiate between different services offered to you then you’re in luck. Our translation blog provides answers to all those questions, and much more.

We provide what you need.

You spend a lot of time on the internet these days and whenever you come across a text in another language, you use a search engine to translate it in English or your native language.

As long as it is limited to the internet, you are fine. But when the university for which you have been longing to get admission calls you, and they want your credentials to be translated in English, what would you do?

If on the other hand you are a business looking to expand your reach, or trying to enter a local market, you’ll need translations for your website, your marketing materials and any legal documents. What would you do?

For matters like these, you must use professional translation services. And when you want a translation, you want it to be top quality, but you also want it fast and at an affordable price. We can help you with that whenever you need it.


Translation news

The internet is considered the best source of news these days, and rightly so because it is the place where news first breaks. The internet is also the place where a lot of journalists spend a lot of their time, and hence, they share the news with their audiences as soon as they receive it. But there is one problem with the news that you get on the internet, it may not always be accurate. The abundance of information on the internet makes it hard to understand what is right and what is not. When you are in search of a particular service and search it on Google, the first couple of results you get will be paid. But how do you know if they are there to steal your money or to serve you? Finding the right news source can be hard, but not when it comes to Translation News.

Universal Translation Services launched its blog to provide people access to accurate translation news. It’s not every day that people need certified translations, and that’s why they don’t know what it exactly is. Our blog guides people about different types of translations and how to get them. We also help people make the most of our services. Worried about the translation rates? We’ve got you covered there, too. UTS’s blog will provide you with all kinds of translation news in one place.

Place Your Translation Order Now! Only $20 per page

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What Universal Translation Services can do for you


Document Translation

If you have a document you need to have translated, just get in touch with us by live-chat, email or call us, and you’ll get a free quote. We’re the best when it comes to quality, but also have the best rates in the industry. Only 10 cents per word for translation, proofreading and editing, from any language into English.


Website Translation

If you are a company looking to expand into the international market you need to have your website and your marketing materials professionally translated and localized to the target market. This is something we can help you with, including adding the translated content into your website. You don’t have to do anything, we handle it all!


Certified Translation

If you have to deal with the US Immigration Office (USCIS), you’ll need to have all your personal documents translated and certified. We can do certified translation from any language into English, at only $20 per page, the lowest rates you will find in the entire state of Florida!


Notarized Translation

There are instances when you need to have your personal documents translated, certified and notarized by a Notary Public. For instance, when you want to continue your studies in the United States as a foreigner, you’ll need your diplomas and academic papers translated into English and notarized.

Why work with us?


You get what you need, even a notarized translation


We’re fast, so you can have your translation in a day!


We have the lowest rates in the United States

Translation Blog


If you’re Sicilian, you may identify with these cultural differences between Sicilians and Italians. Even if you grew up in Italy, you may find yourself more connected to the culture of Sicily. Keep reading to learn more about 10 ways Sicilians are different from Italians!

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Algeria, or the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, officially has two official languages: Arabic and French. However, while Arabic plays an important role in education and politics, English and other languages are becoming more popular every day due to globalization and increasing international relations with the world outside North Africa.

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When you are learning Spanish, you may wonder what differences there are between Mexican Spanish and Spain Spanish. While the two are related and quite similar, they do have some key differences in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar rules.

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If you’re like most people adopting a child from another country, you’ll want to complete the process as quickly as possible in order to bring your new baby home and start enjoying time together as a family.

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The most common question people ask about languages is, Which one is the closest to English? It’s an understandable question, but the answer may surprise you. Sure, Spanish has similar spelling rules and conjugation patterns to English

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How To Get A Rental Agreement In Spanish And English? Is it possible to get an international rental agreement? The answer is yes, and it’s not that difficult to do it.

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In the ancient practice of Gematria, letters in different languages were given values and then added together to calculate the value of one word versus another word or even name versus name.

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First, we’ll start with explaining what bank statements are and why they matter to your immigration case. It promises to be an informative read. So, keep reading.

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The history of Tamil in Sri Lanka goes back to over 2,000 years ago, when the language was first brought to the island nation by traders from Southern India in the 20th century.

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A lot of people have never heard of Tanzania, despite the fact that it’s one of the most important countries in East Africa. This small country shares borders with Kenya, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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