SDL Trados tutorial for translators

SDL Trados tutorial

Trados Studio is a complete translation environment for language professionals who need to edit, evaluate, and manage translation projects either at work or on the go. Trados is probably the most used computer assisted translation tool today. In this post, we’ll give you a short SDL Trados tutorial in which we explain the main components of the package and what each of them does.

SDL Trados Studio 2021, the most recent edition, will change the way you work. Discover a whole new way to translate and increase your productivity with Trados Studio 2021. Freelance translators and Professional Trados Studio is available in two editions tailored for the specific needs of individual translators and companies such as Language Service Providers (LSP). As a background process, SDL Studio GroupShare imports translation units.

A file contains translation units and their associated fields. SDL PLC provides innovative industry-leading language solutions across the entire translation supply chain, including freelance translators, language service providers, translation provider, server-based translation memories, high-quality neural machine translation corporate language departments, translation management, and academic institutions.

Benefits of using CAT tools

Nowadays every translator needs to know how to work with computer-assisted translation tools. Up to this day, some clients still think that such tools are doing the translation instead of the translator, which is completely wrong, as CAT tools are only helping the translator in his work. The translation memory built into such tools also allows for past translations to be used in current projects, which will cut down quality translation. Deliver projects more quickly: With intelligent translation memory (TM) technology and machine translation, you can easily reuse previously translated material across all of your projects.

Retrieved 19 January 2009.DePalma, Donald A. (July 2005).”SDL-TRADOS: Language Service Provider Reaction to SDL’s Purchase of TRADOS”(PDF). (

Retrieved 19 January 2009.DePalma, Donald A. (July 2005).”SDL-TRADOS: Language Service Provider Reaction to SDL’s Purchase of TRADOS”(PDF). ( costs while providing the same accuracy.

Other clients however prefer CAT tools to be used due to cost-saving but also due to the fact that by using such tools there is consistency between translations. Another benefit is the storage facility the translation memory gives, and most clients asking for computer-assisted translation tools to be used really need the translation in that special format.

Obtaining a fairness opinion, as highlighted in the Trados case, can be overly burdensome and costly, especially for a struggling firm. From translation memory productivity software for individual translator to project management tools for translation teams, from localization management solutions to cloud-based machine translation, SDL provides a unique language platform.

Implications and Practice Considerations

Though the defendant directors and independent directors avoided liability, the Trados decision carries significant implications for the venture capital and private equity communities, particularly with respect to distressed companies. Moreover, if you do not have a Support and Maintenance contract and encounter a technical issue, create a post via the SDL Community.

SDL Trados tutorial

This SDL Trados tutorial will go over the various components Trados has:

translator sdl

Trados Translator’s Workbench

Trados, a translation software company, saw its board of directors/board directors accept the merger of Trados with SDL plc in 2005. Open up the Translator’s Workbench and then and then save the translation memory by selecting a source language (language you write text in) and then in another grid choose the language you want to translate your text into. Save both in Files making a new folder named TM and then save the language memory writing the initials of both languages.

Then choose the text and click “Open/Get” in the above bar. Two colors will occur, blue and yellow. Copy the blue text which will be your original text and paste it into the yellow area where it will be translated. Then click “Set/Close” if you want to save the translated text. If not, then the translation memory will also be lost. Fiduciary Duties and duty of directors are to be Analyzed Under Entire Fairness Review Corporate directors owe duties of loyalty and care to target segments.


Let’s continue with the SDL Trados tutorial with TagEditor. SDL Trados Studio can now access SDL TMS directly for TM Concordance and updates. This is achieved through an SDL Open Exchange plug-in. Once installed, users need to log in using the SDL TMS Server Name, Username, and Password, much like previously in SDLX’s SDL Maintain.

Unfortunately, TagEditor’s TTX files can’t be downloaded from SDL TMS 2011. SDL recommends downloading Packages, which contain the ITD files for translation in either SDLX 2007 or SDL Trados Studio 2009. Even though SDLX is considered a part of SDL Trados 2007, this makes using TagEditor and Workbench more difficult and the more-or-less means of support for Trados 2007 in SDL TMS have been dropped.

Open the interface. Then open the file in TXT or TMX format. Open the file in Notepad and find the sublanguage. Make another TM with same name provided to you by the client. Make a new folder naming it according to your project. Save translation memory in that folder.



When Studio 2009 was first released, one of the first things that many users requested for was a replacement alignment feature for WinAlign. WinAlign has been around for years, but it no longer carried the modern file formats that are held in Studio, so it has been overdue for an update for a long time.

It wasn’t until SDL released Studio 2014 in the third quarter of 2013 that a new alignment tool was released. The new tool was based on the premise that most of the time aligning files is a loss of your time! Many translators reading this SDL Trados tutorial have said they have wasted days aligning files to create translation memories they may never get any use from again, and got very little value from translating the project they aligned for in the first place!

Align your document by opening Studios. Click Align and then File. Press the New Project in which you’ll have both basic and target languages provided by the client. Select file type such as Word, PDF etc. Then click export and change the name of the document then click okay. A new tab will open in which double click the translated file that will occur as mirror of the text in basic language. Both the files will then open up aligned.


A new project which manages, schedules and tracks projects for both client and server.

SDL Trados Synergy is a product that helps project manage translation jobs. It takes project file creation and management to the next level. With SDL Trados Synergy you can handle all your projects, languages, files, and deadlines in one centralized location. It gives project managers with comprehensive visibility of all components of a translation project – including the state of files and parts being worked on by external contractors. Plus, Quality Assurance checker can now be used in batch mode from within Synergy.

Display Filters


In the Editor View, from the Display drop-down list on the Display Filter toolbar, select a filter. Only the parts matching the filter are determined in the document in the Editor window. Apply the filter by clicking on both source and target language.

In Trados Studio, segments can be filtered to show only those relevant to the current task and since this is important it had to mentioned in our SDL Trados tutorial. The filters in this list are another way Studio helps productivity during the review, with new options such as Segments with Comments or Segments with Track Changes. These filters can also be applied during export using the SDL XLIFF Converter.

Trados Glue

SDL Trados Glue is an application that enables you to work with a number HTML, SGML, XML, or Workbench RTF files at one time. Imagine you have to localize 150 small HTML files. Let’s consider that after translation you need to implement a global “find or replace” operation on all these small files. If you handle each file separately, you would have to open it in TagEditor tool and implement the global find or replace action, save the file, close it, open the next file, etc. But Trados Glue makes your task easy and simple. This particular feature of Trados also allows combining numerous html, sgml, xml or workbench rtf files into one file.

Trados Glue
T Window

T-Window for Clipboard

This window allows searching texts in the memory from Windows clipboard. T-Window for Clipboard is developed to speed up the translation process by directly using advanced file sorting in SDL Trados by using the Windows clipboard feature.

It is used to perform searches of text from the Windows clipboard in translation memories at both segment and concordance level. Any search results are presented side by side with tags and can be copied back to the originating application by confirming the translation.

T-Window allows users to translate any clipboard content using SDL Trados translation memories (TM) and to transfer the translation to the target document immediately. This means that SDL Trados translation memories can be used in any Windows application and this was worth mentioning in our SDL Trados tutorial.


This is a terminology management program SDLX: Multi term is another tool through which different terminologies can be found by opening Multi Term tool. Click on term bases on the search bar at the top and then open file and select languages. Then on navigation bar at the left hand side browse file and click the check box and select okay. Now you can search the terminology in the basic language that the interface will convert into target language.

Assure the quality of glossary and specific terms by using SDL’s terminology management tool, SDL MultiTerm. It is trusted globally by content partners, reviewers, project managers, and translators to assure uniformity in terminology across all content prototypes and languages. It can be used as a one desktop tool to design terminology databases and dictionaries or with SDL Trados to enhance overall translation quality and efficiency.

SDL MultiTerm is the acknowledged leader in professional terminology management. It’s very customizable database structure can be adapted correctly to your requirements. SDL MultiTerm is the only commercially available software that can deal with the needs of professional terminology management. In the industry jargon, this ability to flexibly work with a database is known as concept orientation and term autonomy.

SDL Trados components

Are you looking for a Trados tutorial?

We have created several videos on how to use Trados, and most of them are on our translator training page. Also, our YouTube channel will be of great help to you if you want to learn how to use CAT tools. Here are just a few videos we already added to the channel, with more coming soon:

SDLX Tutorial

We are committed to providing our translators with the best assistance they could ever hope for. Our SDLX tutorials are also one of the top highlights of our services. The SDL suite is a comprehensive set of tools for translators and we want our workers to fully benefit from such a useful aid.

On this page, we have clearly given instructions and descriptions of various aspects of the program. Tech is everywhere and if it can help you work in a more efficient way then you should most definitely do that. Our tech experts have gathered all the valuable information and compartmentalized it for the ease of our readers.

If you want to know more about the suite or have anything that you need to learn, you can leave your request or suggestion for us. Either you send an email or leave it in the review section. In fact, you can even ask us and we’ll post a new blog about an SDLX tutorial. It’s better if you can mention or specify the part you are having trouble in. We are one of the best translation companies in the world and we rely only on our team for that so if it’s a concern for you, it’s a concern for us.

sdl translator

Another SDL Trados tutorial will follow outlining how to use its modules. Meanwhile, you can take a look at our translator training videos where you’ll find quite a few videos in regards to SDL Trados. If you want to learn how to use various modules of translation tools, see our YouTube video channel for more tutorials.

The file opens in the Editor window.

  1. Start translating! Click in the first segment in the target column and type in your translation.
  2. Click Ctrl+Enter.
  3. Translate the other segments.
  4. Save the bilingual .sdlxliff file (Ctrl+S).
  5. Save the target file (Shift+F12).
  6. Finished!

SDL is a language translation software and services company. The acronym SDL stands for “Software and Documentation Localization.” It was listed on the London Stock Exchange until November 2020, when RWS Group bought it.

Follow these procedures to enable our NMT 2.0 (neural machine translation) in Trados Studio 2021 and 2019: Add the SDL Language Cloud* translation provider to your project in the Translation Memory and Automated Translation dialogue. To do so, choose Use… and then SDL Language Cloud from the drop-down menu.

Trados Studio is a full-featured translation environment for language professionals who need to edit, evaluate, and manage translation projects either at work or on the go.

Check out more resources for translators below:

If we can help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us