Translation technology usage in translation courses in universities


Translation technology usage in translation courses in universities

If you were born in the 80’s or the 90’s, you’d very well remember that every subject was limited to theoretical practices, commonly known as books. Even the researchers head to the libraries for taking notes. There were surely other ways such as study tours, special classes, activities and group assignments but there was never even the hint of using technology in the sphere of the education. The only perspective common people had in their minds about technology was that it could make appliances better. Cool new gadgets could be called in-fashion and people would consider them as a technological innovation but that was it.

Today, even young students are taught with the help of tools such as projectors, tabs and computers. Technology is now too deep-rooted in our lives that we can’t even imagine living without it. Educational courses are now strongly connected with the very core of IT. Take translation technology courses, diplomas and degrees for instance, most people consider them purely as a medium which can be studied exclusively through traditional ways. However, today universities all across the globe have revived their policies on teaching language courses without incorporating the latest technology into the study material and practices.


Machine translations from the perspective of a customer are just an easy piece of work. They believe that when a company or a professional uses machine assistance for a project, they are actually defying the purpose of hiring them in the first place. But that’s not the case.

Large volume texts are sometimes impossible to translate in a manual way. Moreover, sometimes there are documents and files with recurring texts, words and terminologies and using machine assistance becomes inevitable.

translation technology

CAT TOOLS; Incorporated Learning

Recently, universities have started teaching language courses along with CAT Tools or Computer Aided Translation technology tools. Students are trained to use these tools while working with large texts with more efficiency. Using computers as a part of their courses is not just to save time and effort but also because it’s impossible for students to choose a career without computer application.
CAT comprises four basic elements,


The first and foremost function is dividing the text into segments, making it easier to translate. Each segment is placed in a box and the translation is entered under the source box. This way, time and effort of going through the whole text is saved and work is done quicker than the usual process.

TU (Translation Unit)

Each of the segment, along with the source text box, is saved as a TU or translation unit. With the help of CAT tools, students can navigate their way to these units at any time and utilize the same text again and again according to their requirement.

TM (Translation Memory)

This is said to be the most essential part of CAT tools, preserving the translation memory into the database for later use. A special feature known as the FUZZY Search allows users to even cross check the segments which don’t match 100% with the required search.

Terminology Databases

The fourth function that can be accessed by CAT Tools is looking for the terminologies by inserting them through relevant search items.
CAT Tools have thus become a crucial part of almost every translation course at the world’ leading universities.
In fact, these tools allow users to utilize automated features even with the projects that have been done manually.

Translation technology

CAT Tools Utility Out Of Machine Translations

Quality checking can also be done through specific features of these tools. They cross match the translated text with the rules and regulations of international quality standards. Students can enter search items and find their required meanings even when they are doing a project without really using the machine.

Along with that, they can search for the correct formatting for a certain document or certificate. They can connect to the internet and find a relative terminology that they are looking for. Resulted texts can also be aligned using these tools.

Do All Universities Use Translation Technology In Their Courses?

Well, as a matter of fact, there are still hundreds and thousands of universities, which are still considering to make IT an integral part of their translation courses, yet they are still using the conventional methods of teaching so far.

In a professional way, however, linguists and professors of dozens of universities in the US, suggest the use of CAT tools in language courses. They assert that these can help the students in doing their work in an efficient manner. Of course, they don’t need a machine or software assistance while translating a certificate yet when it comes to the documents with hundreds of pages, they must be trained to use CAT tools as a part of their qualification.

Furthermore, these tools are meant to support the language service industry on a much bigger level than just one dimension, thereby, using them only adds to the value and nothing else. If you are thinking about choosing a language interpretation course, do check out what the university policy is, about the use of technology in the field of interpreting languages into one another.

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