What Language Is Spoken In Liechtenstein?

official language of liechtenstein
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Liechtenstein, officially the Principality of Liechtenstein, is a small country in Europe and has the distinction of being one of only two doubly landlocked countries in the world (the other being Uzbekistan). It is situated between Switzerland and Austria and lies just south of the larger country of Austria. The population of Liechtenstein as of 2018 was 37,281 residents, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t much to do or see if you visit this diminutive nation!

What language do the citizens of Liechtenstein speak? Depending on who you ask, you might get different answers. The government of Liechtenstein will tell you that German is spoken in the country, but that’s not technically correct…at least not entirely correct! The truth of the matter is that both German and Alemannic are spoken in Liechtenstein, though Alemannic is far more commonly used than German. But what does it mean to be Alemannic, and how does this relate to other Germanic languages like Swiss German or Bavarian?

Official Languages of Liechtenstein

The official languages of Liechtenstein are German and Alemannic. Alemannic is a group of dialects spoken in German-speaking countries, which includes Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and Liechtenstein. The capital city of Vaduz is where most of the country’s 36,000 people live. It is also the seat of government. The city has a medieval castle on a hill that overlooks the Rhine Valley.

The economy of Liechtenstein is based on industries such as precision instruments, metal manufacturing, and dairy products. Tourism also contributes to the country’s economic growth. There are many mountain slopes and ski resorts in Liechtenstein that attract visitors from all over the world. Due to its small size, it can be difficult for those with language skills other than German or Alemannic.


Did you know that the language spoken in Liechtenstein is not German? It’s a little-known fact, but the official language of this small country is actually an Alemannic dialect of German. However, due to the country’s close proximity to Germany, many German speakers live there.

In fact, according to Ethnologue, about 78% of Liechtenstein’s population speaks German. Since 1938, Liechtenstein has been regulated by Switzerland and all its institutions for money laundering are supervised by Swiss regulatory oversight. Read this blog post to learn about the languages people speak in Switzerland.

Liechtenstein has eight economic policies which include low taxation, free trade zones and privatized pensions. The financial institutions in Liechtenstein have cooperated with other countries on measures against tax evasion and have become active members of various organizations like FATF.

national language of austria

Standard German and local dialects

Liechtenstein is a German-speaking country in the Upper Country, bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and Austria to the east. The official languages are German, with an alemannic dialect spoken in the country, and English. There are also three non-official languages: French, Italian and Romansh. The population of Liechtenstein is just over 37,000. The capital city is Vaduz, and other largest cities include Schaan, Triesen and Balzers.

Telecom Liechtenstein takes an interesting measure. Telecom Liechtenstein provides television, Internet and telephone services in the country with different dialects.

In the country of Liechtenstein, the main language that is spoken is the German dialect. There are many different dialects of German that are spoken in Liechtenstein, but the most common one is Alemannic. This dialect is mostly spoken in the Upper Country, which is the area around the capital city of Vaduz. The other German dialects that are spoken in Liechtenstein are Zurich and Bernese.

The cold winters and mountain ranges make it difficult for people to travel to Liechtenstein, which has led to economic devastation. However, the country has been able to bounce back due to its natural resources and its strategic location. The Head of government has the power. The Head of government is usually the one who decides what language will be used in Liechtenstein.

language spoken in liechtenstein


San Marino and Liechtenstein are two small countries with a lot in common. Both have a high standard of living, both use the Swiss franc as their currency, and both offer great medical treatment. But there is one big difference between the two: the language spoken in Liechtenstein is Italian. In fact, over 80% of the population speaks Italian. The rest speak German or French.

Romansh (spoken by less than 5% of the population)

If you’re planning a trip to Liechtenstein, you might be wondering what language is spoken there. The answer may surprise you – it’s not German, as one might expect, given the country’s location. Rather, the official languages of Liechtenstein are German and Romansh.

Romansh is a Romance language spoken by less than 5% of the population, mainly in the southeastern corner of the country around the town of Schaan. There are also a few pockets of Romansh speakers in other parts of the country, as well as in some of the diplomatic missions and railway stations.

English (spoken by approximately 15% of the population, as a second language only)

French and German are the official languages of Liechtenstein. Lake Constance, which forms its eastern border, has led to the influence of Swiss-German dialects in the northern region of the country. Alemannic is also spoken in some electoral districts.

However, the most common foreign language spoken in Liechtenstein is English, which is estimated to be used by approximately 15% of the population as a second language only. While French and German are still predominant among the royal family and in food products, respectively, English has become more prevalent in recent years due to its usefulness as a global lingua franca.

Countries that Speak German

Germany has a lot of regional dialects, but the national language is German. German is also one of the languages spoken in Liechtenstein. The other official language of Liechtenstein is Alemannic, a dialect of German. It’s often called Swiss German and is different from Standard German.

Swiss Germans have their own writing system as well, with some differences to the alphabet. But unlike many European countries that are divided by language and culture, these two languages can be used interchangeably within Switzerland with no problems or restrictions for either group.

The Swiss government uses Swiss German on signs, road markings, and other public notices.
A special situation exists in San Marino, where Italian is the only official language despite being surrounded by bilingual speakers of Swiss German.

language of liechtenstein
austria language spoken

The Most Popular Second Languages Around the World

There are many different languages spoken around the world. In some countries, the official language is not necessarily the most popular second language. In others, the most popular second language is the Swiss franc.

Liechtenstein’s official language is German, but the most popular second language is English. This is due to the fact that many people in Liechtenstein are fluent in both German and English. However, there are also many people who speak other languages, such as French, Italian, and Spanish.

These people either come from these countries or they have lived abroad for long periods of time. For this reason, Liechtenstein has an unusually high percentage of multilingual speakers compared to other European countries.

Is There Another Way to Learn German

Although it’s possible to learn German by traveling to Liechtenstein, there are other methods that may be more convenient for you. If you’re looking for a more immersive experience, consider attending a German language school or taking a gap year in Germany. You can also find online resources and language exchange partners to help you learn German from the comfort of your own home. Whatever route you choose, with some dedication and effort, you’ll be able to learn this beautiful language. The locals will be happy to welcome you into their country, whether you know a single word of German or not!

Cost to Learn German

In order to learn German, it will cost you time and effort. However, there are some great resources available that can help you get started without spending a lot of money. The Goethe-Institut offers German courses starting at around $150 USD, while the Berlin School of German charges around $200 USD for an eight-week course. You can also find many free online resources, such as Deutsche Welle’s German Courses and the Deutsch Lernen Podcast. With a little bit of effort and commitment, you can learn German without breaking the bank.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Liechtenstein’s official language is German, and many speak English. The country’s wealth stems from low taxes, a strong financial sector, and a skilled workforce.

Nearly all Liechtenstein residents speak German, with 96.4% using it as their first language. Alemannic, though less common, is also spoken.

Liechtenstein’s official language is German, but residents also speak English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swiss German, and Alemannic.

In Liechtenstein, Alemannic Swiss German is the primary language, spoken by 62.5% of residents, with Standard German and English also used.

The official language of Liechtenstein is German. The country uses Swiss German as its primary dialect for everyday communication, while Standard German is used in formal settings and written documents.